Fire Fighting Simulating Towers | Third Alarm - Four Story | ZHM,China Manufacturer Factory Supplier

Update: 2024/7/30      View:
  • Brand:    ZHM Fire Fighting Simulating Towers
  • Type:    ZHM Fire Fighting Simulating Towers
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 Fire Simulator Platform Building with Burner Rooms | First Alarm - Four Story


1 Interlock Type Calcium Silicate Tiles Burn Rooms
Temperature Monitoring System
Rappelling Anchors
Overhead Rappelling
Five Story Standpipe
Sprinkler System

Smoke Distribution System
Forcible Entry
Five Story Exterior Stair to Roof
Exhaust Fan
Working Deck on Annex Roof

Third Alarm - Four Story

The ZHM Huawu Steel First Alarm Four Story consists of a four-story tower measuring 15′-1″ X 18′-6″ X 44′-0″ (to top of parapet) attached to a single story annex measuring 15′-1″ x 14′-6″ x 10′-0″. This simulator allows specialized training scenarios for those firefighters serving in areas having multi-story buildings, while providing features required to meet NFPA 1001 training requirements. Standard features include 6 single windows, 3 single doors and a temperature monitoring system. The TOWER has an interior 4-story stair and a ladder from the 4th floor to a roof hatch. The Tower includes a parapet roof system and two rappelling anchors. The ANNEX houses a live fire burn room.

Photos may include options not included in standard features.

Technical Specifications

Building Dimensions

15′-1″ W x 18’-6” L x 44′-0″ H (to top of parapet)

15′-1″ W x 14′-6″ L x 10’-0″ H

Standard Features

6 Single 3′ x 4′ Windows

3 Single Doors

Annex Burn Room:
15’1″ x 14’6″

Floor to Floor Height:

3 Story Interior Stair Vertical Ladder with Bilco Hatch

Rappel Anchors:

Roof Surfaces:
Parapet Roof System

 Fire Simulator Platform Building with Burner Rooms | First Alarm - Four Story

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