Fixed Towers Sample Towers | Live Fire Training Simulators | ZHM,China Manufacturer Factory Supplier

Update: 2024/7/28      View:
  • Brand:    ZHM Fire Simulator Training Centers
  • Type:    ZHM Fire Simulator Training Centers
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Fixed Towers Sample Towers | Live Fire Training Simulators

The best way to learn what makes an ideal live fire training simulator is by seeing sample towers that other departments have built.

One of the most important considerations when building a tower is in the features and components that your trainees will encounter in your community.

ZHM Huawu Steel has hundreds of tower plans on file, each customized for one of our customers. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, call us. We probably have it on file. If not, we’ll design it. After all, this is YOUR project.

Fixed Towers Sample Towers

Fifth Alarm - Five Story Fire Fighting Simulating Towers
Fourth Alarm - Four Story Fire Simulating Tower Structures
Fourth Alarm - Four Story Fire Training Structures
Fifth Alarm - Five Story Fire Fighting Simulating Tower
Fourth Alarm - Four Story Fire Simulating Tower Structure
Fourth Alarm - Four Story Fire Training Structure

Second Alarm - Extended Fire Fighting Simulator Towers
High Rise - Six Story Fire Simulator Towers
High Rise - Four Story Fire Simulating Training Towers
Second Alarm - Extended Fire Fighting Simulator Tower
High Rise - Six Story Fire Simulator Tower
High Rise - Four Story Fire Simulating Training Tower

Fifth Alarm - Four Story Fire Training Towers
General Alarm - Four Story Rescue Fire Training Towers
Second Alarm - Extended Fire fighting Training Center Buildings
Fifth Alarm - Four Story Fire Training Tower
General Alarm - Four Story Rescue Fire Training Tower
Second Alarm - Extended Fire fighting Training Center Building

Third Alarm - Three Story Fire Simulating Training Center Buildings
Fifth Alarm - Five Story Fire Simulating Training Buildings
Third Alarm - Three Story Fire Simulator Tower Buildings
Third Alarm - Three Story Fire Simulating Training Center Building
Fifth Alarm - Five Story Fire Simulating Training Buildings
Third Alarm - Three Story Fire Simulator Tower Buildings

Third Alarm - Four Story Fire Fighting Simulating Towers
First Alarm - Four Story Fire Simulator Platform Building with Burner Rooms
Third Alarm - Four Story Fire Smoke Simulator Towers
Third Alarm - Four Story Fire Fighting Simulating Towers
First Alarm - Four Story Fire Simulator Platform Building with Burner Rooms
Third Alarm - Four Story Fire Smoke Simulator Towers

Why ZHM Huawu Metal Fixed Towers Sample Towers | Live Fire Training Simulators  ?

Reliable and Customized Designs Cutting Edge Designing Process Free Online Price System Easy Bolt-by-number Assembly
Over Two Decades of Experience Value For Money Unmatched in Quality and Craftmanship Excellent Customer Service

Would you like to see more information and images of ZHM Huawu Steel's Metal Fixed Towers Sample Towers | Live Fire Training Simulators ? Visit our Photo Gallery.


ZHM’s world-class team — together with our raw material suppliers and subcontractors — works to solve your most challenging design, engineering, farbrication or construction issues.

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