Rescue Fire Training Towers | General Alarm - Four Story | ZHM,China Manufacturer Factory Supplier

Update: 2024/7/29      View:
  • Brand:    ZHM Rescue Fire Training Towers
  • Type:    ZHM Rescue Fire Training Towers
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Rescue Fire Training Towers | General Alarm - Four Story


3 Interlock Type Calcium Silicate Tiles Burn Rooms
1 Burn Corner
Temperature Monitoring System
Temperature Alarm System
Brick Exterior
Movable Maze System
Multiple Forcible Entry Doors
Wall Breach
Forcible Entry and Breach Props
Jib Crane
Five Story Exterior Stair to Roof

Inset Corner Balconies

Exhaust Fan
Sloped Roof
Attic Area
Sprinkler System
Roll-up Door
Overhead Door
Two Story Exterior Stair with Balcony
Balcony and Fire Escape
Ship’s Ladder

Fifth Alarm - Four Story

The ZHM Huawu Steel General Alarm Four Story consists of a 4-story fire training tower, a 2-story residential/industrial unit and a 1-story annex. Features include 13 single windows, 1 double window, 21 single doors and a temperature monitoring system. The TOWER has 2 inset balconies and 4 rappelling anchors on the tower roof. The RESIDENTIAL/INDUSTRIAL section includes a 4′x4’ attic burn area, multiple rooms, 2 chop-outs and a 2nd floor live fire burn room. The ANNEX houses a third live fire burn room.

Photos may include options not included in standard features.

Technical Specifications

Building Dimensions

21′-11″ W x 25’-4” L x 44′-0″ H

21′-11″ W x 35′-0″ L x 24′-0″ H

21′-11″ W x 14′-6″ L x 10’-0″ H

Standard Features

13 Single 3′ x 4′ Windows
1 Double 6′ x 4′ Window

21 Single Doors

Burn Rooms:
2 + 1 Attic Burn Area

Floor to Floor Height:

Vertical Ladder with Roof Hatch
2 Story Interior Stair
2 Story Exterior Stair with Extended Balcony

Rappel Anchors:

Roof Surfaces:
Parapet / Concrete (Provided by others)

2 Inset Corner Balconies

Half Un-equal pitch Gable Pitch
Half Flat with Parapet Walls

Rescue Fire Training Towers | General Alarm - Four Story

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