Steel Plateworks Surge Bins | Petra Diamond Mine,South Africa | ZHM,China Manufacturer Factory Supplier

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Steel Plateworks Surge Bins | Petra Diamond Mine,South Africa

Combined model of two crusher supports and their surge bins, screen support frame with adjacent stair access tower models

Combined model of two crusher supports and their surge bins, screen support frame with adjacent stair access tower models

combined analysis model of the diamond processing plant crusher support, crusher surge bin and mat foundation

combined analysis model of the diamond processing plant crusher support, crusher surge bin and mat foundation

ZHM Huawu Steel performs structural analysis, design, engineering, detailing, manufacturing, fabrication, production and installation of a wide variety of industrial buildings, equipment support structures, and enclosures constructed from both steel and other metal works. We are capable of performing both static and dynamic analysis for structures subjected to a wide variety of loads including dead, live, equipment, seismic, wind, ice, blast and moving loads from hoists, cranes and traffic. We utilize the latest Staad.Pro analysis software, Revit, and Tekla BIM software. 3D models are created of the structure that can be directly transferred to the fabricator’s detailer for final steel detailing in Tekla.

Project Introduction

Petra Diamond Mine –Steel Plateworks of Surge Bins
Location: Cullinan, South Africa
Year: 2019
Tonnage : 450 tons

Background:Petra Diamonds is a leading supplier of gem-quality rough diamonds, mining at four sites across South Africa and Tanzania.

Cullinan diamond mining facilities bird view

Cullinan diamond mining facilities bird view

Cullinan diamond mining facilities headframes conveyors surge bins

Cullinan diamond mining facilities headframes conveyors surge bins

The Steel Plate Works of Surge Bins ZHM Huawu Steel manufactured are for mineral sands processing plant.

The mined ore was to be stockpiled and blended to achieve this operating range. The material was to be screened and scrubbed to liberate the HM from the clays. The feed was then pumped to the Feed Preparation area of the Concentrator. The concentrator utilised gravity separation and wet magnetic separation to produce a Heavy Mineral Concentrate. The separation can cater for some slimes but anything more than about 3% will affect mineral recovery. The feed preparation utilised a set of cyclones to remove the majority of the clays and presented the upgraded feed to the surge bin. The cyclone overflow was then treated in thickeners for disposal with the tailings.

The Surge Bin was designed to have mass flow characteristics allowing material to be stored for up to an hour with a consolidation in excess of 80%w/w. The material is withdrawn using slurry pumps to feed to the spiral separators. Various forms of dilution water are injected into the bin to assist in the density control of the slurry.

Conveyor Gallery

Cullinan diamond mining Conveyor Gallery

silo support structure 3d rendered

silo support structure 3d rendered

Steel Structure Supporting 4 mixers support Feed Hoppers, 2 conveyers, color staitons and other auxiliary equipment structure 3d extruded view

Steel Structure Supporting 4 mixers support Feed Hoppers, 2 conveyers, color staitons and other auxiliary equipment structure 3d extruded view

Petra Diamond Steel Structure Supporting 4 Cement and aggregate silos, mixers and other auxiliary equipment

Petra Diamond Steel Structure Supporting 4 Cement and aggregate silos, mixers and other auxiliary equipment

Petra Diamond Screen Support Frame with adjacement stair acess towers

Petra Diamond Screen Support Frame with adjacement stair acess towers

Workshop preassembly Surge Bins plateworks

Workshop preassembly Surge Bins plateworks

Mine Surge Bins trial assembly in workshop

Mine Surge Bins trial assembly in workshop

Mine Surge Bins inspection

Mine Surge Bins inspection

Mine Surge Bins Bolting connection

Mine Surge Bins Bolting connection

silos Surge Bins welding NDT inspection

silos Surge Bins welding NDT inspection

Surge Bins connection stiffener fin liner material

Surge Bins connection stiffener fin liner material

Why ZHM Huawu Metal Steel Plateworks Surge Bins, curshers, silos, screens and their auxiliaries  ?

Reliable and Customized Designs Cutting Edge Designing Process Free Online Price System Easy Bolt-by-number Assembly
Over Two Decades of Experience Value For Money Unmatched in Quality and Craftmanship Excellent Customer Service

Would you like to see more information and images of ZHM Huawu Steel's Metal Steel Plateworks Surge Bins, curshers, silos, screens and their auxiliaries ? Visit our Photo Gallery.


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