Wood Pellet Storage Domes and Steel Transfer Houses | Canada Quebec Bulk Handling Biomass DomeSilos

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 Wood Pellet Storage Domes and Steel Transfer Houses | Canada Quebec Bulk Handling Biomass DomeSilos

Steel Transfer Houses Over Wood Pellet Storage Domes biomasse

lifting transfer houses on wood pellet boimass tank

ZHM Huawu Steel performs material processing, storage & conveyance design, fabrication and installation for a wide variety of bulk materials utilizing several different types of both vendor supplied and custom designed decarbonization equipment of Storage Silo and Wood Pellet Storage Domes, including including reclaim tunnels, floor slabs, dome foundation, DomeSilos and waterproofing . We are capable of assisting the client with material storage processing & conveyance design, engineering, fabrication, supply and installation throughout the entire project including developing process flow diagrams, conceptual equipment layouts, working with equipment vendors on final equipment selection, custom equipment design, equipment specification, final equipment layouts, and equipment procurement services.

How ZHM Huawu Steel domes outperform warehouses, steel silos for wood-pellet storage

Traditional storage solutions like warehouses and steel silos may have been the best bulk-storage options in the past, but domes outperform both today. Here are a few things to consider when selecting your new storage solution:

wood-pellet storage domes

Dome silos under construction by ZHM Huawu Steel in North Yorkshire, England. 

Steel Stoage Warehouses vs. Steel Storage domes

The traditional storage model is the warehouse, which requires a massive footprint compared to domes—a costly element when deep foundations are required.

The mechanical method for filling a warehouse is a long tripper conveyor. The dome, on the other hand, has single-point loading. Warehouse reclaim requires long drives with front-end loaders. Distances are shorter with a dome.

The dome is the most durable structure against natural disaster. A warehouse will likely be severely damaged in extreme conditions.

wood-pellet storage domes

Steel storage silos vs. steel storage domes

Like any combustible fuel, large-scale storage of wood pellets can be a dangerous proposition. Matters of dust, moisture, temperatures, deflagrations, density, structural integrity, location and public safety must all be thoroughly considered well before a single stake goes into the ground.

One large wood-pellet producer favored steel silos for years. But after a visit to two domes at a southeast port, a company executive was converted to the dome model. These domes had just been emptied into a ship, and he was surprised how cool the interior was on such a hot, humid day. The domes’ insulation and massive amounts of concrete keep interior conditions more consistent. Also, with more companies selecting a dome, he was convinced they were the model of the future.

Considering a dome? Answer these questions:

How many tons do you want to store?

  • Are there any site restrictions limiting the diameter or height of the dome?
  • Where are the pellets coming from, and how many tons per hour will you be filling?
  • Where are the pellets going when the leave the dome?
  • What is your reclaim rate?
  • How are you going to reclaim pellets from the dome?

For more information or to discuss the specifics of your project, contact our sales team.

Dome silos under construction

Dome silos under construction

Georgia Wood Pellet Storage Dome Steelworks

Wood Pellet Storage Dome Steelworks

170 foot tall dome wood pellets enviva

170 foot tall dome wood pellets

storage domes wood pellets loading into ship wilmington port

Storage domes wood pellets loading into ship

Drax decarbonization domes boimass storage reclaim tunnels dome silos

Decarbonization domes boimass storage reclaim tunnels dome silos

Drax Port Allen domes enclosure roof panel installation

Domes enclosure roof panel installation

Albioma boimass power plant wood pellets dome shells one above-grade tunnel

Boimass power plant wood pellets dome shells one above-grade tunnel

Barrette Chapais-flat storage DomeSilos stacking pellets

Flat storage DomeSilos Stacking Pellets

Why ZHM Huawu Metal  Wood Pellet Storage Domes and Steel Transfer Houses  ?

Reliable and Customized Designs Cutting Edge Designing Process Free Online Price System Easy Bolt-by-number Assembly
Over Two Decades of Experience Value For Money Unmatched in Quality and Craftmanship Excellent Customer Service

Would you like to see more information and images of ZHM Huawu Steel's Metal  Wood Pellet Storage Domes and Steel Transfer Houses ? Visit our Photo Gallery.


ZHM’s world-class team — together with our raw material suppliers and subcontractors — works to solve your most challenging design, engineering, farbrication or construction issues.

Contact ZHM by telephone at +86 135-8815-1981 (wechat and whatsapp) or send us your questions via email to info@zhmsteelworks.com

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