Composite Simple Supported Steel Beam Bridges H-Section China

Update: 2024/4/14      View:
  • Brand:    ZHM_Bridge
  • Type:    ZHM_Bridge
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Composite Simple Supported Steel Beam Bridges H-Section China

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-Beam - Structurally, the simplest type of bridge

-Relatively short span - 5m to 30m, although become more expensive after about 15m

-Can be any width, and are easily widened by simply adding more beams and deck

-Frequently used in pedestrian bridges and for highway overpasses and flyovers

-Footpaths can be built on both sides

-Can be built one or two beams at a time, often by direct craneage or by cantilever launch

-Longer spans require supporting pillars, making them unsuitable if lots of space is required beneath

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