Steel Piping & Skids | Steel Ductworks | ZHM,China Manufacturer Factory Supplier| ZHM,China Manufacturer Factory Supplier

Update: 2024/8/6      View:
  • Brand:    ZHM Equipment Steelworks
  • Type:    ZHM Equipment Steelworks
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Steel Piping & Skids | Steel Ductworks

ZHM Huawu Steel can create product for just about any industrial application, including steel piping and skid systems, as well as ductwork or steel stacks. Our pipe fabrication services include stainless steel and carbon steel products, and offer sandblasting and specialized steel coatings.

With over two decades of experience fabricating commercial and industrial products, we understand the importance of a well-managed and streamlined project for optimal quality and on-time product delivery. Our high level of commitment to your product and experience includes everything from business accountability, safety in the work place, high productivity and competitive pricing. 

Whatever your next project demands, ZHM Huawu Steel has the equipment, staff experience, and creativity to make it happen. We do everything we can to make every client a long-term partnership and keep serving your business needs. 

Skid Mounted Piping Solutions

ZHM Huawu Steel engineer customized steel piping and skids mounted solutions according to our Customer technical drawings and industrial needs, including oversize systems.

Reference list: Multiphase pumping systems, Skid mounted Oil & Gas Manifold, Injection Skid, Desalt units.

Steel Custom Skid Mounted Pipes

Industrial Pipe Fabricator ZHM

Steel Pipe Skid Oversized

Industrial Skid Systems

Why ZHM Huawu Metal Steel Piping & Skids | Steel Ductworks ?

Reliable and Customized Designs Cutting Edge Designing Process Free Online Price System Easy Bolt-by-number Assembly
Over Two Decades of Experience Value For Money Unmatched in Quality and Craftmanship Excellent Customer Service

Would you like to see more information and images of ZHM Huawu Steel's Metal Steel Piping & Skids | Steel Ductworks ? Visit our Photo Gallery.


ZHM’s world-class team — together with our raw material suppliers and subcontractors — works to solve your most challenging design, engineering, farbrication or construction issues.

Contact ZHM by telephone at +86 135-8815-1981 (wechat and whatsapp) or send us your questions via email to

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