Stainless Steel Cadmium Sponging Tanks | Groundwater Treatment Plant Tanks | ZHM,China Manufacturer Factory Supplier

Update: 2024/8/12      View:
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Stainless Steel Cadmium Sponging Tanks | Groundwater Treatment Plant Tanks

Over years, ZHM Huawu Steel has designed, fabricated, and supplied dozens of custom insulated and cladded storage tanks, heated Wax Tanks, Stainless Steel Cadmium Sponging Tanks and Groundwater Treatment Plant Tanks,etc for industries of paint, food, chemical processing, food waste, mine slurry,etc. We work with local agitator suppliers to match applications.

SS Cadmium Sponging Tanks

ZHM Huawu Steel undertook the structural design and fabrication of a replacement cadmium sponging tank for a Canadian zinc producer. The tank has unique blow-out panels that will break and release pressure in the event of an explosion. ZHM Huawu Steel supplied the original tank to the client over 20 years prior to its modern replacement.

SS Cadmium Sponging Tanks zinc production blow out panel replacement

Groundwater Treatment Plant Tanks

The ZHM Huawu Steel team undertook structural engineering, detail design, shop fabrication, and coating of 6 API 650 process tanks and  a large stiffened flat plate rectangular tank to enable the treatment of contaminated groundwater in the city.
GWTP Tanks ground water treatment plant tanks API 650 Process Stiffened flat plate

Why ZHM Huawu Metal Stainless Steel Cadmium Sponging Tanks | Groundwater Treatment Plant Tanks ?

Reliable and Customized Designs Cutting Edge Designing Process Free Online Price System Easy Bolt-by-number Assembly
Over Two Decades of Experience Value For Money Unmatched in Quality and Craftmanship Excellent Customer Service

Would you like to see more information and images of ZHM Huawu Steel's Metal Stainless Steel Cadmium Sponging Tanks | Groundwater Treatment Plant Tanks ? Visit our Photo Gallery.


ZHM’s world-class team — together with our raw material suppliers and subcontractors — works to solve your most challenging design, engineering, farbrication or construction issues.

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