Coast Terminals Circular Clarifier | Vertical Thickener Tanks | ZHM,China Manufacturer Factory Supplier

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Coast Terminals Stainless Steel Clarifier | Vertical Scraper Tanks | ZHM,China Manufacturer Factory Supplier

Equipment design team collaborator, structural engineering, detail design, shop fabrication in 4 major sections, shipping to site and field erecting a 15m diameter 304 SS Stainless Steel clarifier.  Using our in-house prefabrication and erection method, the clarifier was erected on site in less than 1 week.

pacific coast terminals SS304 15m clarifier

pacific coast terminals erection site in 1 week

pacific coast terminals clarifier 4 major sections

primary clarifier wall shell course erection

Circular Clarifier and Thickener Expertise

circular clarifier standard scraper

3D rendering of the internals of a Circular Clarifier standard scraper design

ZHM Huawu Steel builds Primary and Secondary Steel Circular Clarifiers for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment, as well as Flocculating Clarifiers and Solids Contact Clarifiers for clean water or potable water applications. Our experienced staff will provide high efficiency, low maintenance systems that will provide the highest return on investment.

The ZHM Huawu Steel Circular Clarifiers and Thickeners are available in self-supporting prefabricated steel units or they can be designed for installation in a concrete tank. Existing structures and systems can sometimes be utilized and upgraded for cost savings.

Circular Clarifiers normally utilize a center feed inlet well or a peripheral inlet. The center feed well design can be equipped with a chemical addition system with mixing and flocculation. With the center feed well, the effluent is discharged along the outer wall of the clarifier tank. Clarifiers with peripheral inlets will be designed with a center bottom liquid outlet.

Primary half bridge scraper flow diagram

secondary circular clarifier flow diagram

solids contact clarifier flow diagram

thickener clarifier flow diagram

circular Clarifier Standard Scraper

circular clarifier spiral scraper design

Circular Clarifier Rise Pipe 3D

secondary circular clarifier suction header design

Circular Clarifiers Engineered to Meet Your Needs

Customized designs for municipal and industrial applications
Tank diameter 10 to 250 feet (3m-75m)
Full and half-bridge designs
Steel or concrete tanks
Chemical feed system available
Flocculator available when required
Energy Dissipating Inlet (EDI) designs available
Alternate designs
Thickener mechanism available
Sludge removal configurations
Spiral scraper
Suction header
Riser pipe
Skimmer mechanisms
Corrosion resistant materials and coatings
Epoxy coated steel
Stainless steel
Custom built replacement parts for all manufacturers
Clarifier rebuilds

High rate solids contact clarifier

industrial circular thickener shop assembled 18 ft steel tank for a steel processing plant

thickener clarifier at steel mill rebuild

industrial circular thickener shop assembled 18 ft steel tank for a steel processing plant

circular clarifier riser pipe Secondary clarifier for WWTP

wastewater clarifier installation primary clarifier with spiral scrapers 250 feet

Primary Scraper Clarifier 55 feet scrapper type clarifier rebuild

installation Reaction Well on Solids Contact Circular Clarifier WTP

industrial circular clarifier 50 feet diameter during final assembly ZHM workshop

circular thickener at steel mfg on legs for wastewater steel processing plant

Why ZHM Huawu Metal Coast Terminals Circular Clarifier | Vertical Thickener Tanks ?

Reliable and Customized Designs Cutting Edge Designing Process Free Online Price System Easy Bolt-by-number Assembly
Over Two Decades of Experience Value For Money Unmatched in Quality and Craftmanship Excellent Customer Service

Would you like to see more information and images of ZHM Huawu Steel's Metal Coast Terminals Circular Clarifier | Vertical Thickener Tanks ? Visit our Photo Gallery.


ZHM’s world-class team — together with our raw material suppliers and subcontractors — works to solve your most challenging design, engineering, farbrication or construction issues.

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