Chimney tower frame stack

Update: 2019/1/26      View:
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 Chimney tower frame stack


The main role of chimney is to pull out smoke, exhaust smoke, improve combustion conditions. The interior of the high-rise building generally sets the number of staircases, exhaust duct, air duct, exhaust flue, elevator shaft and pipe wells, vertical shaft, when the indoor temperature is higher than outdoor temperature, indoor hot air due to the density of small, then along these vertical channels naturally rise, through the door and window cracks and a variety of holes from the high-rise part of the leakage, outdoor cold air due to density,

From the lower layers into the supplement, which forms the chimney effect.


Chimney Tower is manly used to fix and repair the chimney. It is divided into four-column angle steel structure and three-column steel tube structure. The chimney is fixed in the center with hold hoop. The tube is mainly supported by steel structure support frame, including free standing type and guyed type. It is mainly used in chemical industry, petroleum industry, flammable gases emission, etc. with height range from 10 to 100m. The tower material usually uses angle steel and steel tube.

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