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Textile Spinning and Knitting Factory Steel Building Prefabricated China CMT Mauritius

2024/4/9      view:
Textile Spinning and Knitting Factory Steel Building Prefabricated China CMT Mauritius

In textile factories like the CMT spinning and knitting plant, there is always the problem of excess fibre particles in the air. Not only is this harmful to workers breathing in the air, but it is also a major fire hazard. If there are enough of these particles, a single flame could cause a huge explosion. To overcome this problem, ZHM installed a number of ducts, in the floor of the building, to be used as part of a 'suction' system which blows out cool damp air from the ceiling, and forces particles into these ducts in the floor. The 'fluff' is then pumped away.

The building consists of two parts - a 300m long factory with an adjoining 100m long warehouse. They are connected by a sliding expansion joint bridge - a rigid bridge which is able to adapt to thermal expansions and contractions, and can be used by heavy machinery such as fork lift trucks. There are a number of external platforms to allow materials to be lifted in and out of the building.

Factories do not have to be ugly. In fact, creating a building that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing can have numerous advantages, particularly when trying to sell your products to a client. The glass curtain walling and modern design of the CMT spinning factory never fail to impress visitors, and more importantly, potential buyers. Security of the workers is a priority, and ZHM have constructed fire escapes all the way along the building at 30m intervals.


Beautiful Steel Structure Installation Senario Textile Spinning and Knitting Factory Steel Building Prefabricated China CMT Mauritius


Beautiful Steel Structure Installation Senario Textile Spinning and Knitting Factory Steel Building Prefabricated China CMT Mauritius


Beautiful front side glass facade Installation Senario Textile Spinning and Knitting Factory Steel Building Prefabricated China CMT Mauritius


Beautiful Finished buildings Senario Textile Spinning and Knitting Factory Steel Building Prefabricated China CMT Mauritius