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Steel Metal Building Kit Delivery | Made In China ZHM

2024/6/8      view:

Steel Metal Building Kit Delivery | Made In China ZHM

Description:Find out what to expect when you receive a new metal building kit. Learn about inspecting the kit package, unpacking, and staging the components for construction.


How to prepare for delivery of your metal building kit

Metal building delivery

Index On This Page

1.Delivery Day
2.Two Inspections
3.Staging Materials


There are several steps in the building delivery process, including some pre-planning that must take place. Let’s consider these steps one by one.

STEP 1 - Planning Delivery Day

Arrangements should be made for your erection contractor to be present on the delivery day to verify that all the parts and pieces are present and accounted for. If you are going to be doing your own erection, you need to be careful and thorough in this step to ensure that there are no missing or damaged components.

If you are using a contractor, make sure that you have clarified in your contract who will be doing the off-loading and staging of the materials. Our metal building kit suppliers do not supply labor or lift equipment to help you unload the truck once it arrives; that is your responsibility. So, your agreement with the contractor should address that. Necessary equipment could include a crane, forklift, pallet jacks, and so forth, depending on the size of your building and the layout of your building site.

On the subject of site layout, careful thought should have been given to access and staging. If your property is large and flat, this should be relatively simple. But if the site is small, odd-shaped, sloped, or covered with rocks or trees, all of these factors must have been considered when planning the truck’s entrance and exit, as well as the locations where the delivered materials will be delivered be staged.


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STEP 2 - Material Inspections

You and your contractor will perform two inspections: the unloading inspection and the unpacking inspection. The first one is done while the delivery vehicle is still there; the second one can be done later.

When your building arrives, it will obviously be in many pieces. These are all shrink-wrapped, bundled, bagged, and boxed in an efficient and environmentally responsible way. When you were first given the design and construction plans, an inventory packing list was included in that package. Make a few copies before starting the inspections.


Unloading Inspection

As items are taken off the truck, you will need to examine each, checking them off a master copy of the inventory packing list as you go. If any items are missing or damaged, you will need to file a report with the carrier immediately while they’re still on site. If a package is damaged, open it and inspect the contents, reporting any damaged items.

Until the unloading inspection is done and you have approved all the items and reported damaged and missing ones, you have not officially received the shipment. This step is essential as it will expedite the replacement of any missing or damaged parts.

Unpacking Inspection

After you’ve officially received the shipment and the carrier has left, it’s time to unpack it. Now is the time to perform an even more in-depth examination of all the delivered items. Use a second copy of the master inventory list and check off all of the items again, ensuring that you not only received everything that was ordered but that there is the correct quantity of each item.

If you find that there are any damaged or missing components that were not reported to the carrier in the unloading inspection, you have 14 days from receipt to file a report to the manufacturer.

Although these inspections could be somewhat tedious and even seem redundant, they are both extremely important. Even though the computer-assisted modular design process has cut down on loss and defects in construction, mistakes can still happen. Reports and claims promptly simplify the settlement process, allowing you to focus on the much more pleasant task: getting your new metal building built!

Metal Building Kit Inspection & Staging

Staging Materials

1. Components should be placed near the point that they will be used as is practical. Heavy or unwieldy items may require lifting or moving equipment; smaller and lighter pieces can be moved by hand.

2. Columns should be unloaded near their respective positions by the anchor bolts that they correspond to. They may be placed on the foundation slab on top of wood blocks. It is also a good idea to place slings (cables) under heavy columns and other framing members for easier lifting. End walls are typically unloaded and laid at the ends of the slab where they will be erected.

3. It’s generally best to put all hardware packages in one place to make it easier to keep stock of them. Placing them near the center of the building helps reduce travel time across the building site and makes for easier access.

4. Purlins and girts should be stored near sidewalls and kept clear of other materials. Packages of sheet goods should be kept out of the way since they’re the next-to-last items to be added to the building. Place them on blocks and provide a slight slope at one end for drainage in case of rain. Accessories should also be kept out of the way; they’re the last components that will be installed after the basic metal building is constructed.

5. Ensure that all components are staged in such a way as to prevent workers from accidentally stepping on them. Depending on climate and weather conditions, the materials may need to be covered or otherwise protected from the elements to be clean and dry when construction begins.


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