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    Successfully Completion of Zambia Lusaka Kaunda International Airport Terminal Steel Grid Installation

    2024/5/7      view:
    Successfully Completion of Zambia Lusaka Kaunda International Airport Terminal Steel Grid Installation

    On the afternoon of March 20, 2017, Zambia Lusaka Kaunda International Airport terminal space frame grid project undertaken by ZHM, after a long rainy season of more than four months, the main steel space frame grid project was successfully completed. The roof and house-in-house steel structure projects were also installed simultaneously.


    Since November 2016, the grid installation has been started. The project department has fully considered the practical factors of the gradual handover of the construction platform of the on-site civil engineering unit and the lack of local materials, and decisively adopted the construction plan of sliding scaffolding, which is economical and reasonable, and ensures the construction quality and safety. , to meet the requirements of the project construction period, and has been unanimously recognized by the general contractor and the owner.

    The dedication of the management personnel of the project department and the Chinese workers stationed overseas during the Spring Festival has laid the foundation for the main body of the grid. The top of the main project provides a guarantee.

    Next, it will enter the peak period of stand seam metal roofing construction. Multiple monomers will start at the same time. The project department has made full preparations in advance. In the near future, a magnificent terminal building project will be presented on the vast land of Africa.

