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    2020/10/21      view:


    Hiking trails are popular amenities that immerse visitors in natural surroundings and are among one of the great ways to experience nature. To allow users to fully experience nature, trails are located in remote areas like forests or mountainsides. These hiking trails inevitably cross over natural obstacles, like creeks and gorges. This is where a trail bridge comes in handy.

    Trail bridges are hardy bridges that reflect the rough environment in which they can be found. Because they are out in less populated areas at higher elevations and rough terrain, trail bridges need to withstand more intense weather conditions such as powerful rain, extreme snow, and long-lasting, icy conditions. 

    Hikers seeking exercise also seek unique experiences, so if there are Instagram worthy moments along the hike, all the better! Often the highlight of a hike, a trail bridge can be architecturally significant, offering jaw-dropping views, or highlighting the historical significance of an area. A well-designed wood or steel trail bridge displayed against an impressive natural backdrop can help put your trail system on the map. The trail bridge may also become a destination in and of itself, attracting people to your area just to snap a selfie with your beautiful trail bridge.