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Steel Structure Skyway bridges

2020/10/21      view:


Skyway bridges link buildings or parking decks to buildings in order to ferry pedestrians safely over roadways. Also called skybridges or skywalks, skyway bridges consist of an enclosed or covered bridge between two or more buildings in an urban area. Skyway bridges can be used in hospitals, sports arenas, universities, train stations, airports, and many other building types. Skyway bridges usually connect on the first few floors of a building above the ground-level floor, though they are sometimes much higher.

Short or long, skyways bridges can connect across a single rail right-of-way or street, or connect several buildings together in a complex. In many cities, the skyway bridge system connects series of blocks together in the downtown to protect pedestrians from the harsh winter.

The majority of skyway bridges are privately owned, since they connect private buildings. However, skyway bridges can also be publicly owned by the federal or state government. Choose a bridge company that has experience working with both public entities and private developers.