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Design Criteria of Reefer Rack Yard Cvil, Foundation and Structures

2024/6/4      view:

Design Criteria of Reefer Rack Yard Cvil, Foundation and Structures

1. Design Life & Maintenance Interval

Description    Design Life Maintenance Interval
25 years
25 years
Paint for the passages/hot dip galvanized coating for the racks
25 years
15 years
50 years
50 years

Steel_Reefer_Racks_and_Reefer_Safety_Tunnels _For_APM_Terminal_Maasvlakte II_1_Installation

(Reefer Tunnels and Reefer Passages between stacks and reefer racks)

2. Guarantees

Minimum Guarantee Period
Reefer frames (structure and fittings)
5 years

3. Design Criteria Tables

Reefer Rack Type
Container type
Single or

9     5 Single
9 3 Single

4. Reefer Rack Geometry and Requirements


9’6 9x5

8’6 9x3

Single / Double Sided
 Single    Single
Overall steel frame length (mm)

24480 24480
Overall steel frame width (mm)
1700 1700
Floor height, FFL to FFL per floor (mm)
2900 2600
Ground level floor height, FFL to FFL (mm)
2900 2600
Number of reefer plugs
One per container plus one
spare per level
One per container plus one
spare per level
Location of reefer plugs
One side only, 1000-1400
above FLL
One side only, 1000-1400
above FLL
Maximum permissible steel frame height (mm)
14480 Not applicable (N/A)
Clearance from steel frame to containers, plug side (mm)
400 400
Clearance from steel frame to containers, non-plug side (mm)
600 nominal
600 nominal
Clear distance between containers (mm)
350 350
Clearance from end of steel frame to end of last container (mm)
150(shorter) 150(shorter)
Minimum clear width of stairs (mm)
700 700
Transverse position of stairs
Non-plug side
Non-plug side
Minimum clear width of platform at any location (mm)
700 700
Provision for pavement slope
1% ± 0.5%
1% ± 0.5%
Roof required on top level
Bollards required at each corner
Not applicable (N/A)
Not applicable (N/A)
Paint colour
Not required (galvanized only)
Not required (galvanized only)


(Reefer Tunnels and Reefer Passages between stacks and reefer racks 3D Isometric View)

5. Reefer Rack Design Loads

Dead Load
Self-weight of the structure

Superimposed Dead Load

Self-weight of electrical equipment, including distribution boards,
cable trays and cabling, etc.

Live Load – Flooring

UDL: 1000 kg load over any 4 m2 , i.e. any sector of 4 m2 shall be
able to withstand 250 kg/m2 , and the whole platform will not be
loaded with more than 1000 kg total.
Point load: All surfaces and steps shall resist 450 kg point load
over an area of 200 x 200 mm at any point, with deflection not
greater than 10 mm during application and with no permanent


60kg vertical load in the most unfavourable location and 75kg
horizontal load in the most unfavourable location (loads not
applied simultaneously)

Live Load – Handrails and

deflection not greater than 15 mm during application and with no
permanent deformation

Operational Wind Speed

Refer Part A “General Project Considerations

Storm Wind Speed

Refer 01 Part A “General Project Considerations

Seismic Load

Importance Factor: 1.0
Refer Part A “General Project Considerations” for other parameters

6. Reefer Passage Requirements

Superimposed Dead Load
Weight of up to 4 No. fully laden containers (up to 35 t each)
placed on top via corner castings
(1st container will be 35 t buffer container filled with sand + 3 fully
loaded containers on top)
Dynamic Load
Weight of 1 fully laden container (35 t) to be considered with a
minimum factor of safety of 2.0 (in addition to the superimposed
dead load).
Alternative methods to allow for the dynamic load from container
placement may be considered in accordance with adopted codes,
subject to approval by the Engineer.
Live Load – Flooring
2.0 kPa
Operational Wind Speed
Refer Table 5 as above listed
Storm Wind Speed
Refer Table 5 as above listed
Seismic Load
Refer Table 5 as above listed
Container Impact Load
Minimum 50 kN (from a fully laden container) to be applied to the
structure as a point load at various locations and in various
directions to suit the container handling equipment. These point
loads shall not be applied simultaneously.
The structure may be damaged by this impact but the damage
shall be repairable with the replacement of the impacted elements
but the structure shall not collapse under the impact of the
This load case shall not be considered in combination with other
loads (except dead loads)

Note: Structural reinforcement shall be provided at each end of each passage, to resist the loads listed above in Table 6. As a minimum, each vertical column shall have at least the same structural capacity as the unmodified container corner posts, the horizontal beams shall have at least the same structural capacity as the unmodified container beams, and diagonal bracing shall be provided in the top corners for torsional restraint.

7. Reefer Rack Foundation Requirements

level projection above
surrounding ground level
• Arid / low rainfall environment: Flush with surrounding
• Heavy / frequent rainfall environment: 200mm above
surrounding pavement
• For converted containers: Flush with surrounding pavement
• Raised floor to prevent water or frozen puddles.
• Reduced steps as much as possible.
• The level of the foundation is flush with ground level for the
stacks that are being prepared only. Other foundation levels
to be included in overal height first (ground) level of the
Design Loads
• Loads to be defined by reefer rack designer, including but not
limited to:
o Maximum vertical compression at the base of each column
o Maximum vertical uplift at the base of each column
o Maximum horizontal shear at the base of each column
o Maximum bending moment at the base of each column
o Overturning effect (bending moment) on the base slab
from each pair of columns
• Live load on ground level = 2.0 kPa
• Dead load of any electrical equipment to be considered, where
Holding Down Bolts
Bolt arrangement, size and embedment length at each column to be defined by reefer rack designer


(Reefer Tunnels and Reefer Passages between stacks and reefer racks and substation)

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