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Reconstruction project of Beijing Workers Stadium Stand Bowl Canopy

2024/3/29      view:
Reconstruction project of Beijing Workers Stadium Stand Bowl Canopy

Workers Stadium has completed steel structure construction, and the stadium is installing a multi-layer structure top turf maintenance system
The steel structure of the reconstruction and reconstruction project of Beijing Workers Stadium, which is subcontracted by our company, is under construction. Currently, the stadium has installed a multi-layer structure top lawn maintenance system.

renderings 3D Perspective Picture

The "stand bowl" structure under the canopy of the new body can increase the audience's view of the game. The total steel consumption of the steel structure canopy is about 16,400 tons, of which our company has undertaken the processing and production of about 4,200 tons of steel structures, and the installation is the highest. South to North span 273meters, east-west span 205meters, The height is 46 meters. The canopy is endowed with 6 major functions, namely shading, lighting, water supply and drainage, snow melting, photovoltaic power generation and noise reduction.

Rendering 3D perspective View of Reconstruction project of Beijing Workers Stadium Stand Bowl Canopy: Standard Worker's Bowl Dome

Reconstruction project of Beijing Workers Stadium Stand Bowl Canopy: Standard Worker's Bowl Dome

Big open space single layer shell arch trusses.  (Installed by 1250ton crawler crane)

Strat Structure BIM Model of Reconstruction project of Beijing Workers Stadium Stand Bowl Canopy

(Overall model, Upper space truss, lower concrete audience, single truss frame, truss deflection diagram,truss upper chord axial force diagram, truss lower chord axial force diagram, dead load moment diagram) 

Steel structure overall tonnage 11300ton. Single unit of primary steel beam girder weight 230ton, lift hoisting tonnage height up to 60m. At site, staggered intersection work massive, limited yard space, frequent wind in winter time. Site installation difficulty, huge volume, tight construction time and heavy tudy working load. Are all big challengues for this project. 

To achieve a success installation, we have deployed ZCC12500 crawler mobile crane for main arm 60m +tower arm 42m, loading capacity 87% at four hoisting points. 

More than 3000 workers hard working at site. 

Monsters of overhead cranes and massive high sky installation work